

The purpose of this site is to share my pottery creations with family and friends – and with others who similarly find inspiration and amusement in the animal world. And yes, if you like what you see, I do commissions and regularly sell off work when I run out of space!
Zandra McGillivray

About Zandra

I started working with clay at school, and I’ve continued learning throughout my travels. My studio is now based in a 10th-century château in a small village in the Jura Mountains*, where I’m inspired by the birds and animals that surround me…as well as those further afield. Nature is full of humour. Exaggerated shapes and personalities make me smile.


*Come and stay in our guest rooms at www.chateaudesothonod.com and discover the sources of my inspiration.

Expo au Château de Champdor, du mercredi au dimanche, 15h à 19h, jusqu’au 18 août.

#zandrascreations #sculptureartist #sculptureanimaliere #claycreations #garybaylissart #guy1970_ #leprogresdelain #chateaudechampdor #grès #valromey #hautbugey #sculpturesofinstagram

Getting ready for our next show together @ Château de Champdor 17 July to 18 August

On prépare notre prochaine expo ensemble @ Château de Champdor du 17 juillet au 18 août

Photo: Olivier Fischer

#zandrascreations #garybaylissart #guy1970_ #chateaudechampdor #sculpturesanimalières #ceramicanimalsculpture #ceramicsculptureart #ceramic #ceramicartist #valromey #hautbugey

My next show, along with artist Gary Bayliss, at a stunning venue: the Château de Champdor-Corcelles. Guy will also be showing some of his watercolours.

#zandrascreations #claysculptures #animalceramics #sculpturesanimalières #garybaylissart #guy1970_ #chateaudechampdor

I’m really excited about my next show, in the company of talented artist Gary Bayliss, at Espace Aguascalientes in Champagne-en-Valromey (Ain), from 13 to 29 October.
Opening night Friday 13 October (auspicious date 🤩) from 17h.
Bring your friends!

#zandrascreations #garybaylissart #clayart #claysculptures #ceramicart #ceramiques #whimsicalanimals #peintures #terrecuite #sculptures champagneenvalromey #animauxterrecuite #aguascalientes_espasso #bugey #wildlife #laviesauvage

Tu-Whit and Tu-Whoo
Have been rehearsing all week. But will allow for impromptu too. Because of you-know-whoo.
8.5cm and 9.5cm

#zandrascreations #owl #clay #clayart #whimsicalcreatures #hibou #terrecuite #sculptures


Day-trips with Cal-Margaret

By |May 27th, 2013|Categories: spring 2013|

California-Margaret has been to stay. It’s almost exactly nine years since we last saw her… when this glamorous photo was taken.  Note sunshine.

California glamour girl

This time, the weather was appalling throughout, except for the day she arrived…but we soldiered on in the spirit of Dunkerque, taking in the sights and fine foods of Annecy…

and Chanaz…

…and Bogis-Bossey (but it was a photo-free zone that day and anyway, Margaret fell asleep in her soup).

The bad weather followed her to Paris. Meanwhile, here, it snowed. In May/almost June. Aargh.


Next stop: Rye

By |April 4th, 2013|Categories: events|

Just survived a hectic few weeks of visitors (friends and family and friends of family), serious bouts of chickenpox for the little ones, and the construction of a new conservatory (the previous one collapsed under the weight of this winter’s snow), which has laid waste to my garden. Ugh.

I’m now busy preparing for my new show next week: in Rye, East Sussex. It will be a chance to air some of my more recent stuff…and get feedback. Also a chance to catch up with more friends and family. I’m really looking forward to it although feeling terribly Ethelred-the-unready. Ho hum.

polar bear

A pig in clover

By |February 1st, 2013|Categories: January 2013|


I’m very into pigs at the moment… I had to look at hundreds of images to make sure I got nose, ears, tail in the right place, but I’m quite pleased with my first effort. It’s taken me AGES to glaze it because grand-daughters, Christmas and New Year intervened. But I think he may become prize exhibit at my next show, in Rye.

Devon surprise

By |October 24th, 2012|Categories: October|

House guests to entertain, a surprise birthday in Devon (a surprise for my husband, that is), and various other odds and sods have prevented me from filling up the kiln. But I have an accumulation of pieces drying and should be able to get to it soon. Doting grandfather


Check out my www.winewidowandsong.org        

Want More Pottery?
Check out the site of my friend Michèle Riedo


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