My next show looms: I’ll be installing my critters inside St Bartholomew, the anglican church of Dinard (Brittany), for showing on Saturday 5 October (10h to 18h), during the week-long British Film Festival. Come and join us if you’re in the area. The vernissage is Friday evening, 18h to 20h. I’m hoping to raise funds for the church… The Rev Gareth is most enthusiastic and supportive.

And thanks to my friend Carolyn — whose idea this was and who is busy organising everything from food (and drink) to footfall — a journalist from Ouest France, France’s biggest daily, rang me yesterday for an interview! I babbled on about England, France, animals and pottery and hoped to make some sense. He wasn’t sure it would be published (maybe when I mentioned my ancestors came from Transylvania?), but what a larf if it is.

This little fella is coming on the road with me….hot out of the kiln.

Raging Bull