

J’ai voulu ce site pour partager mes créations avec famille et amis – et avec d’autres qui trouvent comme moi inspiration et divertissement dans le monde animal. Et si vous aimez ce que je fais, je vends régulièrement mes créatures (surtout lorsque je manque de place !) Sinon il est possible de me passer commande.
Zandra McGillivray

À propos de Zandra

J’ai appris à manier la terre en pension en Angleterre et j’ai continué à parfaire ma technique au cours de voyages et de rencontres. Mon atelier se trouve dans un château du 10e siècle dans un petit hameau Jurassien* et je trouve mon inspiration dans la faune d’ci et d’ailleurs. La nature est pleine d’humour ; exagérer les formes et les personnalités me fait sourire.

*Venez séjourner dans nos chambres d’hôtes et découvrez les multiples sources de mon inspiration.

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Paris Show in April

By |Categories: events|

Busy preparing new pieces for my Paris show on 12-14 April. Just loaded up the kiln and, in doing so, broke a toe off my new badger. Aargh, shouldn’t have rushed it. Will have to glue it back once fired.


By |Categories: Winter 2013|

The last couple of months have passed in a blur… of family, friends, Christmas, kids, snow… and I’ve spent precious little time in my studio. Not that I regret it. Family is heap big fun!

I did make time however to finish a little whippet for my old and very dear friend Sabine. Sabine and I worked together in Paris back in the 70s, where she led me astray on all sorts of escapades. She has always had whippets, hence the choice of beast. (suite…)


By |Categories: Winter 2013|

The last couple of months have passed in a blur… of family, friends, Christmas, kids, snow… and I’ve spent precious little time in my studio. Not that I regret it. Family is heap big fun!

I did make time however to finish a little whippet for my old and very dear friend Sabine. Sabine and I worked together in Paris back in the 70s, where she led me astray on all sorts of escapades. She has always had whippets, hence the choice of beast. (suite…)

Delightful Dinard

By |Categories: Autumn 2013|

Well…what to say? My show went well, the venue (18th Century anglican church) was beautiful, the sun shone, the people, if not flocked, certainly flowed, funds were raised and the nightlife was lively.

Too late… you missed it!!

If you’ve never been to Dinard: go! It’s really pretty, loads of charm, on the sea, packed with little art galleries and brocantes, cafés and delicious sea-food restaurants.

Oh to be by the sea

Anyway, back to the show…  It all went off without a hitch: Carolyn had done a great job preparing publicity, food, and drink; Chantal — a seriouly talented local sculptor ( who also happens to be my youngest niece Jo’s mother-in-law (still with me?) —  lent me stands; friends Mags, Caroline et al rallyed round to help set up; and Father Gareth let me take over the whole church (to the surprise of many French visitors who couldn’t see the Catholic Church allowing such a thing!) before using me as the subject of his Sunday sermon (graven images? idols?). I came home all fired up (hoho). It’s a huge confidence boost when total strangers admire your work.

holy sheep



people actually turn up!


total strangers

Would I do it again? You bet!






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