

J’ai voulu ce site pour partager mes créations avec famille et amis – et avec d’autres qui trouvent comme moi inspiration et divertissement dans le monde animal. Et si vous aimez ce que je fais, je vends régulièrement mes créatures (surtout lorsque je manque de place !) Sinon il est possible de me passer commande.
Zandra McGillivray

À propos de Zandra

J’ai appris à manier la terre en pension en Angleterre et j’ai continué à parfaire ma technique au cours de voyages et de rencontres. Mon atelier se trouve dans un château du 10e siècle dans un petit hameau Jurassien* et je trouve mon inspiration dans la faune d’ci et d’ailleurs. La nature est pleine d’humour ; exagérer les formes et les personnalités me fait sourire.

*Venez séjourner dans nos chambres d’hôtes et découvrez les multiples sources de mon inspiration.

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Olympic hippo…not!

By |Categories: August 2012|

As I write this, the Olympics are on in the background and I keep having to break off to see what new prowess is being achieved. (Team GB is on FIRE!) As a result, the hippo I am working on is making no progress at all. And I CANNOT get the head  right. Grrr. So here’s a swan I made recently instead.

swan lake

Branching out…

By |Categories: July 2012|

my little house of herbs

lighting the way

I thought I’d make some practical stuff for a change: a little house-pot for planting herbs in (or ‘erbs for any N. Americans reading this ;-)), some candle-sticks…

Good fun to make, but my other half says ‘stick to quirky animals’.

I may or may not take heed.

The Tour de France strikes

By |Categories: July 2012|

Great excitement in our tiny hamlet last Wednesday when the Tour de France came through. Preparations started early: the road surface was redone, verges were cut, campervans parked, tricolors unfurled and tensions mounted as contradictory road-closure notices were posted at each end of our col. (The mairie was unable to clarify…)

The big day dawned brochure-blue and after a leisurely lunch we sauntered down to watch the Caravane pass by. For about an hour, extraordinarily elaborate floats careered through the village at high-speed, chucking freebies at us. Followed by hundreds and hundreds of cars with police, press, cameras, paramedics, supporters, organisers and hangers-on. Then a lull…then five helicopters roared overhead, followed by gendarmes on their motos, whistling and flashing lights. We all held our breath…and suddenly the cyclists, head of the peloton, flashed past, followed by hundreds and hundreds of cars with spares on their roofs. It was over in a nanosecond!

I have zero interest in cycling, but I gather it’s the second biggest sporting event after the Olympics, so quite impressive. Tried not to think about the carbon footprint.

« The artist at work »

By |Categories: June 2012|

I commissioned daughter Lauren to take some photos of me for this website… and the result is brilliant, if I say so myself. She is so damned talented that girl: she’ll go far! If anyone needs a photographic portrait done, for a website, blog, birthday invitation, or just to hang on the wall, she’s your man.


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