

J’ai voulu ce site pour partager mes créations avec famille et amis – et avec d’autres qui trouvent comme moi inspiration et divertissement dans le monde animal. Et si vous aimez ce que je fais, je vends régulièrement mes créatures (surtout lorsque je manque de place !) Sinon il est possible de me passer commande.
Zandra McGillivray

À propos de Zandra

J’ai appris à manier la terre en pension en Angleterre et j’ai continué à parfaire ma technique au cours de voyages et de rencontres. Mon atelier se trouve dans un château du 10e siècle dans un petit hameau Jurassien* et je trouve mon inspiration dans la faune d’ci et d’ailleurs. La nature est pleine d’humour ; exagérer les formes et les personnalités me fait sourire.

*Venez séjourner dans nos chambres d’hôtes et découvrez les multiples sources de mon inspiration.

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Next stop: Rye

By |Categories: events|

Just survived a hectic few weeks of visitors (friends and family and friends of family), serious bouts of chickenpox for the little ones, and the construction of a new conservatory (the previous one collapsed under the weight of this winter’s snow), which has laid waste to my garden. Ugh.

I’m now busy preparing for my new show next week: in Rye, East Sussex. It will be a chance to air some of my more recent stuff…and get feedback. Also a chance to catch up with more friends and family. I’m really looking forward to it although feeling terribly Ethelred-the-unready. Ho hum.


A pig in clover

By |Categories: January 2013|


I’m very into pigs at the moment… I had to look at hundreds of images to make sure I got nose, ears, tail in the right place, but I’m quite pleased with my first effort. It’s taken me AGES to glaze it because grand-daughters, Christmas and New Year intervened. But I think he may become prize exhibit at my next show, in Rye.

Devon surprise

By |Categories: October|

House guests to entertain, a surprise birthday in Devon (a surprise for my husband, that is), and various other odds and sods have prevented me from filling up the kiln. But I have an accumulation of pieces drying and should be able to get to it soon. Doting grandfather

The blue azure…

By |Categories: September 2012|

Just back from a couple of weeks in northern Greece, ‘en famille’. My grand-daughters took to the azure seas

like the proverbial ducks. The Greeks were as welcoming as ever, the sun shone, the praying mantis prayed, the beaches were empty, the tavernas full, and the ouzo plentiful… Tickles, giggles and ice-cream were the order of the day.

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