décembre 2024

Friends and supporters


And here is Alain himself...entertaining a bemused group of Finns at my Paris show.

Friends and supporters2024-12-04T11:10:22+00:00



I've just emailed my website URL to a list of unsuspecting friends, family and aquaintances, causing my laptop to semi-crash and prompting an immediate response from my friend Alain complaining that the duck he bought isn't featured.... So here it is...




It has been raining for days, months... This morning, it snowed up where I live: a white-out. We are almost in May and I can't get to my kiln and my hands are freezing and inspiration has fled the coop. Um. Glum. Here's a photo of my grand-daughters last summer.


Fat cats


I'm into making fat cats. Could this be something to do with our own, live, specimens I wonder?   Note tiny amount of space left on table... Note how tolerant we are of tiny amount of space left. Ho hum.

Fat cats2024-12-04T10:43:28+00:00

Time flies…


So... summer swept by in a blur of guests, Scottish holidays, and small children. And now comes the time of reckoning. I have a show next weekend and am starting to panic. Do I have enough stock? How much is enough? Will people come? Will they like what they see? Will there be enough to [...]

Time flies…2024-12-04T10:43:35+00:00
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